Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Living in Truth

There will be times when you're not going to like me or like what I've said to you but if I am your friend, coach, or counselor trust and believe I am only telling you something that is truthful and/or beneficial. Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable and sometimes the truth hurts! However, I am not intentional in hurting people and/or their feelings but I believe in existing in reality. Some many people can't live in their truth but how can you effectively help someone when you can't realize that you own garbage has smelled in the past or currently smells? I recall when I first started working on my degree in Social Work- the text book speaks of not being transparent........ However, the textbook does not fit every situation, especially those which come from poverty, dysfunctional backgrounds, molestation, abuse, trauma, etc....... I am transparent, I live in my truth, and I help others live in theirs regardless of how painful it may be. I am your supporter, I am your cheerleader, and I want you to succeed so that we can succeed together. If you elevate before I do, I will still continue to cheer you own. I will celebrate our successes!!! I will not build you up only to break your spirit once you branch out on your own.  I truly am my sister's keeper.  Happy Hump Day!!!

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