There are so many who have been fed irrational and unhealthy thoughts as
children, teenagers, and young adults. When talking to these
individuals you can hear their hurt, pain, and sometimes despair. You
never know what a person has experienced unless they are transparent
enough to share their truth. Just because a person is quiet does not
mean that she is arrogant or stuck up- she may just be going through
some things. Just because a woman stay up in a man's face doesn't mean that she sleeps with every man she comes in contact with- she may
have similar interests as a man (sports, racing, etc). Always be kind
with whom ever path you may cross because you may be that very person
that keeps them from ending it all. We must stop being judgmental about
everything we hear and see. Reality is the only perception. So
regardless of what we believe someone's reality is, it is one an
assumption until that individual confirms it as truth. All that to say,
what may be "normal" for you may not be "normal" for someone else based
upon the people they were raised around and the environment they grew
up in.
Regardless of a person's past or present, my goal is to be kind. I treat others as I want them to treat me. Yes, some of their stories shock the crap out of me and I may very well be unprepared for what I hear but never at any time when they are disclosing am I judgmental. Even if I do not agree with their lifestyle, I am not judgmental. Sometimes we just have to be quiet and listen. The truth is much deeper than what is being presented. There are some who think that alcoholics and drug addicts are addicts because they want to be. Addiction is a disease! Most addicts use drugs as a coping mechanism for what they have endured in their past- a mask for their pain. Others have tried drugs out of sheer curiosity and then become addicted, and others may have a genetic predisposition and the smell or taste of it spirals them out of control. Know their story before judging them. Speaking from the daughter of a recovering addict.
Wow!!!! Thanks for sharing! #truth